事業復活支援金安井享二2022年1月23日読了時間: 1分コロナの影響で売り上げが減少している法人・個人事業主に対する新たな支援策がいよいよ来週(1月24日の週)に制度詳細が公表される。そして翌週(1月31日の週)から受付が開始される予定。今までの一時支援金、月次支援金に変わる経済産業省のコロナ対策だ。詳細は経済産業省の事業復活支援金事務局HPへ
The payment deadline for income tax etc.The payment deadline for income tax and special income tax for reconstruction (hereinafter referred to as income tax) for which you have...
Don't you think that you have to exceed 100,000yen for medical expenses to have refund.This answer is yes and No. It depends on your total income amount for that year. In case of your total income for 2024 is more than...
For salaried workers: The tax return? The tax return season has begun. Many salaried workers may not think it is necessary, but those who paid a lot of medical expenses in...